Dog Plaque vs Tartar: Key Differences and Solutions

Dog Plaque vs Tartar: Key Differences and Solutions

Did you know a study from Vienna found dental issues in 348 out of 408 dogs they examined? That's 85.3%! Unfortunately, many pups face these problems from a young age, and often, their owners don't even realise it. One key area of concern is dog plaque vs tartar – two culprits behind poor dental health in dogs.

In this blog, we'll explain the differences between dog plaque vs tartar, you’ll also understand how they affect our dogs' health, and share effective treatments and preventive steps. Plus, we'll introduce you to Poochiful's dental care products designed to keep your dog's teeth clean and healthy. Stick around to learn how you can ensure your pooch has a happy, healthy smile.

Dog Plaque vs Tartar: Main Differences

The main difference between plaque and tartar is their stage and hardness. Plaque is the early, soft stage of dental buildup that can be brushed away. Tartar is the hardened, more advanced stage that usually requires professional cleaning to remove. Let’s explain further. 

Plaque is a sticky, colourless film that forms on your dog's teeth. It's made up of food particles, saliva, and bacteria. Imagine your dog munching on their favourite treat. Bits of that treat mix with saliva and bacteria in their mouth, creating plaque. It's the first stage of dental issues and can easily form after each meal. If you've ever felt a slimy coating on your dog's teeth, that's plaque.

Now, if plaque stays on the teeth and isn't brushed away, it hardens and turns into tartar. Tartar is a hard, yellow or brown, deposit that clings to the teeth. It's much tougher than plaque and can lead to gum disease and tooth decay if left untreated. 

Is Tartar Painful for Dogs? 

Sadly, tartar can be painful for dogs. Imagine how sore your teeth feel with a bad toothache. That's how your dog might feel with tartar build-up. It can lead to gum pain and make eating a bit of a struggle for them.

Why Do Dogs Get Tartar or Plaque?

Dogs get tartar and plaque, just like humans do, and there are a few reasons why this happens.

Food and Chew Habits

The main reason is their food and how they chew it. When dogs eat, bits of food get left behind in their mouths. This mixes with saliva and bacteria, creating plaque. If your dog loves soft, sticky treats, these can especially stick to their teeth, making the problem worse.

Not Enough Teeth Cleaning

Another big reason is not brushing their teeth regularly. Just like us, dogs need their teeth cleaned to get rid of plaque. If we don't brush their teeth, plaque can build up and turn into hard tartar, which is much harder to remove.

Lack of Dental Toys

Dogs also need to chew on things to help keep their teeth clean. Dental toys and chew sticks can help scrape off plaque. Without these, it's easier for plaque and tartar to build up.

Age and Breed

Some dogs, especially as they get older or certain breeds with specific mouth shapes, are more likely to get dental problems— either dog plaque vs tartar. Their teeth might be closer together, making it easier for food to get stuck. Take note that dogs generally form tartar at around four years of age. 

How To Soften Dog Tartar? Prevention Tips

Brush Your Dog's Teeth Regularly

Just like us, dogs need their teeth brushed to keep tartar at bay. Use dog-friendly toothpaste and brush their teeth gently. Aim to do this a few times a week. It's a great way to bond and keep their mouth healthy.

Choose Dental Treats and Toys

Dental treats and toys are not just fun; they help clean your dog's teeth. Chewing on these can reduce plaque and prevent tartar formation. It's like a playtime that doubles as dental care!

Provide a Healthy Diet

What your dog eats affects their teeth. Dry kibble can help scrape off plaque from their teeth. Some diets are specially designed to promote dental health. Remember, a healthy diet contributes to a healthy mouth.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Visiting the vet for regular dental check-ups is a must. They can spot early signs of tartar buildup and recommend the best course of action. Sometimes, a professional cleaning might be needed to remove tartar.

Fresh Water Always

Ensure your dog always has access to fresh water. Drinking water helps to wash away food particles and bacteria, reducing plaque formation.

By following these simple steps, you can help soften existing tartar and prevent new tartar from forming. It's all about regular care and a bit of attention to their diet and playtime.

What Is the Best Tartar or Plaque Remover for Dogs?

The best tartar or plaque remover for dogs is one that's effective, safe, and easy to use. If you’re asking if you can scrape your dog’s teeth or gums, we don’t suggest it as it can harm your dog's mouth. For a safer and more efficient solution, Poochiful's plaque off powder remover emerges as the top choice against dog plaque vs tartar problems. 

Poochiful's plaque remover utilises the natural benefits of seaweed, specifically Ascophyllum Nodosum, renowned for its dental health advantages. This ingredient has been scientifically proven to reduce dental plaque, calculus, gingivitis, and bad breath in pets.

What sets our product apart is its ease of use. Simply adding our seaweed supplement to your dog's daily diet can significantly decrease plaque accumulation. With just 1g per 10kg of body weight per day, our product presents a cost-effective and natural approach to keeping your dog's teeth clean and healthy.

Our team, based in the UK, specialises in high-quality grooming products, including shampoos, conditioners, and grooming accessories. Our products are crafted with your dog's health and happiness in mind, ensuring that your pet not only looks good but feels great too.

Treat your furry friend to a healthy smile and witness the positive impact on their overall well-being. Explore Poochiful's solutions today and join a community where your dog's wellness is always the top priority.